Monday, December 6, 2010

Japanese Composition 3 : 二十ねんごのわたし

こんいちは。わたしは ユジーニアです。
いま さんじゅうはっさいです。 わたしは せんせいです。
コロンビア だいがくで おしえます。

わたしの うちは ニューヨークのベイサイドに あります。
うちは あまり おおきくないですが とても べりです。
うちの 中に ピアノやテレビが あります。

わたしは かぞくが とても すきです。
おっと と むすめ と むすこが います。
むすめは はっさいです。 むすこは よんさいです。
おっとは いしゃです。
わたしは まいにち ハッピーです。

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Katakana Analysis Final

Most textbooks explain the usage of カタカナ as mostly for loan words, emphasis, and onomatopoeia.
For example :
The picture above is of Japanese candies, however, most of them are written in Katakana. Many candy names are loan words from the English language. "Kit Kat", "Pinky", and "Hi-Chew". The candy named "笹かま風 ドロッスス" is a mixture of ひらがな ,かんじ, and カタカナ to decipher the loan words from the Japanese words. "ドロッスス" is the loan word for "drops" and "笹かま風" means "bamboo-like bite." Combining these two words, the company is able to create an innovative name combining all the different types of Japanese characters. Plus, "ドロッスス" is a very かわいい word to use for small pieces of candy like this one. The word "ドロッスス" is more pleasant to the ear when said out loud because of it's cute meaning.
I think the companies used カタカナ to show the "foreign-ness" of the candy. Using ひらがな or かんじmight give the merchandise a more familiar atmosphere rather than a foreign and innovative feel.

In the picture to the left,
カタカナ is used for onomatopoeia purposes. The Japanese textbooks explain how katakana is used to express onomatopoeia.  
"チン” and "ガ-シ” is used for the sounds of the elevator. The "chin" of the elevator bell and the "gaashi" of the elevator door. Using カタカナ for onomatopoeia purposes allows the reader to quickly pick up and differentiate between the sound effects and the actual dialogue of the cartoon.

This picture shows  ドラえもん。I realized that half this character's name is ひらがな and the other half is カタカナ. The purpose of this might be to emphasize his name more. Since     ドラえもん is a very popular character, I believe his name was written this way to

show his uniqueness as a "mascot" of the Japanese cartoon culture. According to wikipedia ( :p ) the ドラ part of his name can possibly mean two things : ドラ as in どらねこ which means "stray cat" or from ドラえもん's favorite food どらやき. The えもん (hiragana) part of ドラえもん's name was a common component in a male's name. So, there are many possibilities.

カタカナ,ひらがな, and かんじ are all used for different purposes. I personally believe that it is usually up to the actual writer to determine how he or she wants to combine these different Japanese characters. Indeed, there is a set reason for these different characters for example カタカナ is used for (usually) loan words, emphasis, or onomatopoeia, however, it all depends. There are always exceptions.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Literary Work : くだもの


わたしは くだものが すきです から まいにち スーパ へ いきます。

みかん と りんご は ともだち だから わたしは みかん と りんご を いっしょ かいました。

わたしは みかん を たべました。”アアア〜” みかん は こわいです。

”ムニャ ムニャ” みかんは おいしいですね!

りんご は かなしい です。

りんご も たべました。”アアア〜” りんご も こわいです。

”ガジガジ!” りんご も おいしいですね!

みかん と りんご は おなかで あいます。

みかん と りんご は ハッピー です。

          おなか あいます。

This picture below belongs after the りんご is sad. I forgot to scan it ><


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Composition 2


わたしは ユシンイア です。
じゅうはっさいです そして コロンビア だいがくの いちねんせいです。
わたしは かんこくじんです。アメリカ から きました。
わたしの だいがくは ゆうめいですが、あまり おおきくありません。
だいがくの せいかつは とても いそがしいですが、おもしろいです。
わたしの りょうは ちいさいです そして ときどき きれいです。
しちがつ みっかに にほんへ ひこうきで いきます。
どうぞ よろしくおねがいします。

~ ユジンイア~

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Katakana Analysis Draft

Most textbooks explain the usage of カタカナ as mostly for loan words, emphasis, and onomatopoeia.
For example :
The picture above is of Japanese candies, however, most of them are written in Katakana. Many candy names are loan words from the English language. "Kit Kat", "Pinky", and "Hi-Chew". I think they used カタカナ to show the "foreign-ness" of the candy. Using ひらがな or かんじmight give the merchandise a more familiar atmosphere rather than a foreign and innovative feel.

In the picture to the left,
カタカナ is used for onomatopoeia purposes. The Japanese textbooks explain how katakana is used to express onomatopoeia.  
"チン” and "ガ-シ” is used for the sounds of the elevator. The "chin" of the elevator bell and the "gaashi" of the elevator door. Using カタカナ for onomatopoeia purposes allows the reader to quickly pick up and differentiate between the sound effects and the actual dialogue of the cartoon.

This picture shows  ドラえもん。I realized that half this character's name is ひらがな and the other half is カタカナ. The purpose of this might be to emphasize his name more. Since     ドラえもん is a very popular character, I believe his name was written this way to

show his uniqueness as a "mascot" of the Japanese cartoon culture.

カタカナ,ひらがな, and かんじ are all used for different purposes. I personally believe that it is usually up to the actual writer to determine how he or she wants to combine these different Japanese characters. Indeed, there is a set reason for these different characters for example カタカナ is used for (usually) loan words, emphasis, or onomatopoeia, however, it all depends. There are always exceptions.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

だいがくis slowly taking a toll on this poor soul D:

Oh college. だいがく。。。
I love it, yet I despise it.
I woke this morning feeling like the whole room was upside down and my stomach was not happy at all. Headache, fever, headache, nauseousness, headache, dizziness, HEADACHE!
I couldn't get myself up to go to にほんごの  くらす this morning ):
However, I gathered up the minimal amount of energy I had to go to my にほんご lab.
College is definitely starting to weaken me with this rigorous amount of work from my classes.
Exams, quizzes, MIDTERMS, papers, readings, math problem sets, homeworks, etc... who knew college could be so むずかし ):
たいへんですね。。。 that is all I can say to myself right now.
Hopefully I'll be able to adjust completely to this whole college thing soon ~


Monday, October 25, 2010

きょう。。。today... 오늘은...

きょう わたしは くじに おきました。
I actually planned on waking up a lot earlier to start my day off
on a not-so-lazy note, however after pressing the snooze button probably more than 4 times...I ended up waking up at 9. Go figure..

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

On a rainy day... あめ。

みなさん こんいちわ! I missed everyone today!
きょう 。。。today class was cancelled :(
I woke up and walked over to Kent Hall to discover that my favorite class of the day..was indeed cancelled. I hope Nazikian せんせい recovers soon!

Anyways, it's being raining a lot lately... あめ=Rain. Ame.. what a pretty word.
I actually enjoy the rain. It gives the feeling of cleanliness and a new start, BUT, I do not like the humidity and stickiness it leaves after it pours.
Hopefully everyone remembered to bring their かさ! :) I sure did! hehe
I love how I'm using this blogging site as my own little personal diary.

I went to the にほんごの lab today and like always it was fun and relaxing. The TA is a sweetheart! She complimented on my cute pencil case, folders, and umbrella haha! She said "かわいい!” I find it adorable when she giggles silently when we make those speech mistakes or when we totally butcher a word!
Why is it so hard to pronounce ろっぴゃく600)! It's like a tongue twister! I repeated that word over and over again.

I'm upset that I can't say my sentences in にほんご fast enough to be considered "acceptable" in Japan :(
BUT I WILL GET THERE SOON :D And my blogs will be filled with more にほんご rather than えいご very very soon! :)
I hope to see you all tomorrow!
じゃまた あした!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Hello everyone!

My name is Eugenia and this is my first year learning Japanese. I am a first-year student at Barnard College of Columbia University. Having grown up in a Korean household, I was always exposed to the Korean language and I am fluent in the language as well (안녕하세요). However, I was always curious about other asian languages as well. Japanese always caught my attention because the language sounded very unique and pleasant to the ear. After hearing a couple of Japanese songs, I developed a fondness for the Japanese language, therefore, I chose to take this course. :)

I am excited to learn more vocabulary words and letters in Japanese so that I may be able to go to Japan one day and cruise through the streets without having to carry around a 'Japanese-English dictionary' to hold a conversation with someone. Hehe!

During the first 2 weeks of this class, the only difficulties that I have encountered were memorizing all the hiragana and correcting my handwriting skills in Japanese.
Throughout the semester, my goal is to try my best and study hard so that I may be able to become a better Japanese speaker.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


はじめまして! :)

わたし は Eugenia (ゆじんいあ)です。
ころんびあ だいがくの いちねんせ です。
じゅはっさい です。
かあんごくじん です。
にゅうよおく から きました。

どおぞ よろしく おねがいします!