Saturday, October 30, 2010

Katakana Analysis Draft

Most textbooks explain the usage of カタカナ as mostly for loan words, emphasis, and onomatopoeia.
For example :
The picture above is of Japanese candies, however, most of them are written in Katakana. Many candy names are loan words from the English language. "Kit Kat", "Pinky", and "Hi-Chew". I think they used カタカナ to show the "foreign-ness" of the candy. Using ひらがな or かんじmight give the merchandise a more familiar atmosphere rather than a foreign and innovative feel.

In the picture to the left,
カタカナ is used for onomatopoeia purposes. The Japanese textbooks explain how katakana is used to express onomatopoeia.  
"チン” and "ガ-シ” is used for the sounds of the elevator. The "chin" of the elevator bell and the "gaashi" of the elevator door. Using カタカナ for onomatopoeia purposes allows the reader to quickly pick up and differentiate between the sound effects and the actual dialogue of the cartoon.

This picture shows  ドラえもん。I realized that half this character's name is ひらがな and the other half is カタカナ. The purpose of this might be to emphasize his name more. Since     ドラえもん is a very popular character, I believe his name was written this way to

show his uniqueness as a "mascot" of the Japanese cartoon culture.

カタカナ,ひらがな, and かんじ are all used for different purposes. I personally believe that it is usually up to the actual writer to determine how he or she wants to combine these different Japanese characters. Indeed, there is a set reason for these different characters for example カタカナ is used for (usually) loan words, emphasis, or onomatopoeia, however, it all depends. There are always exceptions.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

だいがくis slowly taking a toll on this poor soul D:

Oh college. だいがく。。。
I love it, yet I despise it.
I woke this morning feeling like the whole room was upside down and my stomach was not happy at all. Headache, fever, headache, nauseousness, headache, dizziness, HEADACHE!
I couldn't get myself up to go to にほんごの  くらす this morning ):
However, I gathered up the minimal amount of energy I had to go to my にほんご lab.
College is definitely starting to weaken me with this rigorous amount of work from my classes.
Exams, quizzes, MIDTERMS, papers, readings, math problem sets, homeworks, etc... who knew college could be so むずかし ):
たいへんですね。。。 that is all I can say to myself right now.
Hopefully I'll be able to adjust completely to this whole college thing soon ~


Monday, October 25, 2010

きょう。。。today... 오늘은...

きょう わたしは くじに おきました。
I actually planned on waking up a lot earlier to start my day off
on a not-so-lazy note, however after pressing the snooze button probably more than 4 times...I ended up waking up at 9. Go figure..