Tuesday, October 26, 2010

だいがくis slowly taking a toll on this poor soul D:

Oh college. だいがく。。。
I love it, yet I despise it.
I woke this morning feeling like the whole room was upside down and my stomach was not happy at all. Headache, fever, headache, nauseousness, headache, dizziness, HEADACHE!
I couldn't get myself up to go to にほんごの  くらす this morning ):
However, I gathered up the minimal amount of energy I had to go to my にほんご lab.
College is definitely starting to weaken me with this rigorous amount of work from my classes.
Exams, quizzes, MIDTERMS, papers, readings, math problem sets, homeworks, etc... who knew college could be so むずかし ):
たいへんですね。。。 that is all I can say to myself right now.
Hopefully I'll be able to adjust completely to this whole college thing soon ~



  1. ユジンニヤちゃん!

    ざんねんですね =( I know がくせいのせいかつ can get really tough が、 hang in there! Most of us are in the same boat as you, especially おおきい procrastinators like me ^^"

    Lots of <333 + ハッピー long ウィークエンド!

    P.S. いついっしょにかんこくりょうりをたばませんか?

  2. Kelleyさん!
    ありがとう ございます for you encouragement :)
    I find myself saying たいへんですね to myself a lot these days ><
    yes HAPPY LONG WEEKEND :D ahaha I READ IT!! :)

    はい、かんこく りょりをたべましょ! 
    らいしゅ たべましょ:)
