Tuesday, September 28, 2010

On a rainy day... あめ。

みなさん こんいちわ! I missed everyone today!
きょう 。。。today class was cancelled :(
I woke up and walked over to Kent Hall to discover that my favorite class of the day..was indeed cancelled. I hope Nazikian せんせい recovers soon!

Anyways, it's being raining a lot lately... あめ=Rain. Ame.. what a pretty word.
I actually enjoy the rain. It gives the feeling of cleanliness and a new start, BUT, I do not like the humidity and stickiness it leaves after it pours.
Hopefully everyone remembered to bring their かさ! :) I sure did! hehe
I love how I'm using this blogging site as my own little personal diary.

I went to the にほんごの lab today and like always it was fun and relaxing. The TA is a sweetheart! She complimented on my cute pencil case, folders, and umbrella haha! She said "かわいい!” I find it adorable when she giggles silently when we make those speech mistakes or when we totally butcher a word!
Why is it so hard to pronounce ろっぴゃく600)! It's like a tongue twister! I repeated that word over and over again.

I'm upset that I can't say my sentences in にほんご fast enough to be considered "acceptable" in Japan :(
BUT I WILL GET THERE SOON :D And my blogs will be filled with more にほんご rather than えいご very very soon! :)
I hope to see you all tomorrow!
じゃまた あした!


  1. ゆじんいあさん、

    but you've been doing a pretty good job. So don't worry.

    I will go to Flushing to get かわいい かさ sometime soon :)



  2. Don't worry, it takes a while to get real fluency! Even though わたしわちゅうごくごをべんきょうしました for awhile now I can still hear my アメリカのえいごのaccent, and on top of that it's slow and so often has mistakes. Sometimes I feel like I sound like a drunken toddler would sound (not that I know any real life drunken toddlers, nor do I hope to meet any).

  3. ゆじにあちゃん~

    Are you still sick? I hope you're better now > <

    らぼあした O_____o I'm worried that I won't finish in time again ;______;

  4. がんばって! I think I already wrote this to you in a previous comment o_o. Don't worry; I can't speak as fast as I would like either. I need to practice saying more numbers!


    I discovered this weekend that the かんじ for あめ actually looks like rain! Look! 雨!That was like the highlight of my weekend haha.


  5. Euginia! you feeling better? :)hopefully!!

  6. はじめ まして。 ホンです。 ノトルダムだいがくのいちねんせいです。
    どおぞ よろしく。 If its the first year of Japanese, I think you're being too hard on yourself for not speaking at native Japanese speakers' speed. I find it to be the opposite whenever there is あめ. It's really humid before and then very clear afterwards (at least that was the case when I was in Texas).
